1st, WE HAVE REAL WORLDWIDE MONETARY-FINANCIAL PROBLEMS: The money that you earn or have in your pockets or savings it’s getting de-valuated day-by-day…
INSTEAD YOU MUST HAVE ¥EM (Your Everyday Money)… Why? Because YEM eradicates most of the problems which are negatively affecting the economy of people, businesses and governments. The actual monetary problems such as constant inflation, undiscriminating printing of currencies (FIAT the money created from thin-air), high volatility on the Forex - Stock - Commodities markets and on the price of Cryptocurrencies as well as catastrophic events, terrorism, financial wars, dire monetary policies, fraud, corruption, etc., are REAL WORLDWIDE MONETARY-FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, which are leading to steady loss of our wealth (if have any) and destroying the purchasing power of the Fiat money we use to satisfy our basic life needs. Hence, ¥EM (MONEY) is the SOLUTION.
2nd, WE NEED TO RESOLVE THE MONETARY-FINANCIAL PROBLEMS WE ARE IN: People, Businesses and Governments need a currency like (¥EM), which is capable of maintaining its value in the face of any of the aforementioned problems, so that Businesses can continue with the business of (Creating jobs, Provide products/services and gain Profits), so from working and being creative People (Build Wealth) and as remuneration for their work, they obtain a stable currency that maintains or increases their purchasing power instead of losing it year after year, and so that governments dedicate themselves to governing fairly without corruption or manipulation of their FIAT currencies. Hence, ¥EM (MONEY) is the SOLUTION.
3rd, WE MUST FIND A SOLUTION TO OUR MONETARY-FINANCIAL PROBLEMS: The solution CHANGE part or all of your ASSETS, means your paper money (FIAT), Securities, as well as crypto-currencies that are too volatile or don’t serve as a means of direct payment and/or are hard to exchange for goods and services (Fast, Cheap and Secure) to the new Global Reserve Currency ¥EM (Your Everyday Money) the ONLY worldwide currency in circulation that for sure 100% Guarantee to maintain its present Range-Value, with Low-or-None Volatility, and foreseeable to increase its future value (Store-of-Value) as more and more people, business and institutions are using it day-by-day in their Monetary-Financial activities. Thus, it’s wise for you to change to ¥EM what for your financial preference is volatile and/or fraudulent and do not holds its value.
We, must all come to conclusion that *It’s Time for a Change! and we must endorse ¥EM as our Everyday Money, because ¥EM meets the ESSENTIAL Fundamentals of what it means to be REAL money. ¥EM adoption and use at all economic and financial levels helps you preserve your wealth and increases your present and future purchasing power.
· ¥EM is a medium of Exchange and Payments, it can be used to purchase all types of products and services.
· ¥EM has Controlled Volatility (None-to-Very Low), which is rigorously manage by YEMFoundation is Board of Directors as the YEM’s Regulators.
· ¥EM maintains and/or had increased its Value year-after-year, it’s the (Maximum Store-of-Value). Hence, ¥EM (MONEY) is the SOLUTION.