Q) What Assets can you put into the LIKQUID STAKING PROGRAM?
A) You can put 100% of the Principal in BTC, ETH and FIAT (FIAT means any currency that you can transfer to the
program) –VIA- wire transfer, Debit card or Credit card to cover the Value
in US DOLLAR of the Staking Package you choose to participate.
Q) How can I Double my Staking Principal= Doubling my Profits?
A) Not worry if you do not have YEM (MONEY). Because, we are the-ones referring you to the STAKING PROGRAM, then we will add to you Staking Package (Match 100%) of the amount you choose to participate in BTC, ETH and FIAT at not cost (100% FREE) to you as follows…
Example: You have Value US Dollar 2500.00 in BTC, ETH or FIAT, as we are the-ones referring you to the STAKING PROGRAM, we will add in YEM (MONEY) ¥2500.00 to match your amount -NOW- you have the POWER to participate in the PROGRAM with a Package Value $5000.00 U$D. You, will own 100% of the Profits, Dividends related to such package and any additional Bonus or Rewards (We offer the same, with any other higher value Package you choose and with as many Packages as you can)
- Weekly or Monthly with or without Minimum GUARANTEED
- PLUS. Additional dividends may are part of the program or not. If they are, then ere paid out in the form of equity assets equivalent to your staking holding.
NOTE: Profits paid in equities and/or assets, you can hold (to collect dividends), sell, withdraw, exchange, re-Stake. Profits Paid in Cash (USD or EURO), you can do, what you want.
Watch as profits arrive in your PerNum Multi-Wallet Bank IBAN ACCOUNT. From the 1st day of the following month you will receive your profit automatically every , Wednesday and/or Friday or Monthly depending on your Staking Program. Example: Stake your assets on May 15th, then your first profit payout is on the first Wednesday or Friday or the 1st in June. It’s as simple as that! You don’t have to do anything else!
- 1,000 USD - you 100% & we match 100%
- 5,000
USD with
10% extra
value (5,500 USD) - you 50% & we 50%
- 10,000 USD with 20% extra value (12,000 USD) - you 50% & we 50%
- 25,000 USD with 50% extra value (37,500 USD) - you 50% & we 50%
Example: You have Value US Dollar 2500.00 in BTC, ETH or FIAT, as we are the-ones referring you to the POWER STAKING PROGRAM, we will add in YEM (MONEY) ¥2500.00 to match your amount -NOW- you have the POWER to participate in the PROGRAM with a Package Value $5000.00 U$D. You, will own 100% of the Profits, Dividends related to such package and any additional Bonus or Rewards (We offer the same, with any other higher value Package you choose and with as many Packages as you can)
+PLUS+ When you withdraw from the program 100% of the Principal you put in the Staking Program is back to you.
+PLUS+ You will be the owner of 100% of the YEM Money we granted you, to Double your POWER STAKE Value when you entered the program.
Q) What is Crypto/Currency Staking?
A) It involves pledging funds held in a Digital Wallet to support the security and operations of a blockchain network BUT more or as important Crypto/Currency Staking involves pledging funds (All Kinds of Assets/Fiat and accepted Cryptos) in-to an asset management fund in connection with a blockchain network with the objective to receive (Guarantee or No Guarantee) ROI-Profit. Now, simply put, staking is the act of locking Assets/Crypto/Currencies to generate passive income and/or another way to receive rewards. In most cases, you'll be able to stake your Assets directly from your Digital Wallet, such as with your Digital PerNum Multi-Wallet Bank IBAN ACCOUNT.
Q) Why we double it for you?
A) First, because eventually as profits accumulate you will love the program and stay long enough, so we can recuperate our investment on you. Second, because you may refer other investors to us and we may become partners on the YEM (MONEY) negotiations of this program and/or others. Third, because we are building long time business relations from where for sure you also benefit by being part of our Network (check our Invitation Marketing to see How to start Making Money in Commissions)
Q) We are ready. Are you?
A) If you are, then look as money arrive... JOIN NOW and activate your FREE PerNum Multi-Wallet Virtual Bank (IBAN) ACCOUNT.
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